Planting churches is implicit in the great commission and is an important way the kingdom of God expands on the earth. This clinic is designed not only for senior leaders of a church plant, but for anyone on the team looking to plant a church. The team needs pastors, youth workers, worship leaders, and administrative leaders. Even network and denominational leaders will find these three days inspiring and helpful in the work of multiplying churches.
Brought to you by HarvestNet International with DOVE International and Kingdom Life Network
Friday, 2 October: The Biblical Mandate to Plant Churches
7:00 worship: Nicole Given
7:30 Session 1: Steve Shank on why plant churches
8:00 Session 2: Barry Wissler on multiplying churches in the book of Acts
Saturday, 3 October
Morning: Laying Solid Foundations
9:00 Morning Fellowship, coffee and light refreshments
9:30 Session 3: Henry Buckwalter on characteristics of a healthy church planting team
10:15 Break
10:30 Session 4: Steve Shank on spiritual warfare
11:15 Session 5: Antonio Ulloa on discipleship: the core of it all
12:00 Lunch (provided)
Afternoon: Various Church Planting Models
1:30 Session 6: Jimmy Nimon on hiving off: launching with a supporting church
2:15 Session 7: Lawrence Chiles on urban church planting
3:00 Break
3:15 Session 8: Larry Kreider on micro and house churches
4:00 Session 9: Q&A Panel: all speakers
5:00 Dinner (provided)
7:00 Vision sharing from church planters
Intercession for each plant
Prayer for impartation and prophetic ministry
Sunday, 4 October
Morning: Those attending the clinic are encouraged to take the opportunity to visit a church in the area.
2:00 Debrief about church service experience
Coaching for church planting
Cohort for peer support and coaching
List of additional clinics in future
Question and Answer time with presenters
This event follows the ECC campus Covid-19 CDC standards including sanitized surfaces and distanced seating. For the protection of everyone, masks are encouraged when unable to social distance.
Please contact with any questions regarding this event.
While there is no deadline to register to come, the deadline for registration to include Saturday's meals is September 25. The price will remain the same after this deadline, regardless of whether the meals are included.