Real Stories.
Broadcast Czech Republic
Marek Prosner is the main leader of a church network in the Czech Republic. He is a faithful HNI Partner and has an incredible upcoming opportunity that we are able to partner with!
“A couple weeks ago we had a broadcast through the public radio. We were preaching the gospel; sin, repentance, forgiveness. And later on we got a message from one lady. When she heard the preaching, she fell on her knees, she repented and gave her life to Jesus. She connected to church and now she is studying the Bible with us.”
“What I want to say is this is the way we can bring the gospel to the thousands and thousands of people.”
Leprosy Freedom
Seeds of Hope through an HNI Partner was able to assist in the rehabilitation of a leprosy affected individual and his family. As a result of this assistance their family was able to leave the leprosy colony where they formerly resided and move to a farm to start a vegetable farming business.
Seeds of Hope was able to fund a much-needed borewell to provide reliable water for crop irrigation. We were able to help plant “seeds of hope” to enable this leprosy affected family to be successful and provide for their needs in a self-sustaining way.
Albania Baptisms
Friends of HNI in Albania are experiencing the expansion of the Kingdom as their house church continues to expand. They have witnessed baptisms of 22 new believers - most coming out of the Muslim faith!
Savakanahalli Well
Seeds of Hope was recently able to sponsor a well project located at a village church campus in India.
Formerly during the dry season water had to be trucked into this village. During times of shortage people were unable to work as they waited for the truck to arrive. This well will provide a reliable source of water even in the dry season benefiting the entire village!
New Sewing Machines
"Thank you very much for helping our Thabitha tailoring school graduates with sewing machines. I was able to buy eight machines. Please convey my thanks to HarvestNet International.
I arranged a meeting for the distribution of machines. The local dignitaries came for this occasion and appreciated.
The recipients are glad to receive and thankful to you. These machines will help the women to assist their families financially. Besides the training they learned the Word through every day devotion. It is the only way for several women to know about Jesus as they come from different faiths. Praise God.”