God is relational and has always wanted us to be with him in fellowship. The presence of God distinguished Israel from the nations around them in ancient times. Today, God’s presence with his people continues to distinguish believers from the world.



The word kingdom implies both a king and a place of domain over which that king rules. The Old and New Testaments speak often of the kingdom of God. The Old Testament depicts God as the King who was and is and is to come. Jesus came preaching the kingdom of God as both present and at hand. Jesus came as king carrying within him the kingdom. As Christians, we must be about the kingdom of God, revering the King, not insisting that Christianity is about us.


God leads his people through the objective word of Scripture and the subjective voice of the Holy Spirit. It is important to pursue both equally with passion. Biblical Christianity is experiential; but without sound doctrine, experience can be spiritually damaging.



HarvestNet is neither a church nor a denomination. We are a network of individuals and organizations who have chosen to work together toward the harvest. We are disinterested in acquiring a long list of partners by name but not by practice; our goal is for authentic relationships to develop within our network characterized by love and respect. Because God has designed us to work together and to need each other in a complementary way, partnership and relationship is necessary to fulfill the great commission.


Ministry is done best by teams. The Bible lists elders, pastors, deacons, and apostles as functioning together in leadership. Ephesians chapter four lists ministry gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the equipping of the saints. No one is to do ministry alone, but we are to join together. We need each other.



Jesus taught that the health of a tree can be known by its fruit. Personal health is of the utmost importance as leaders reproduce disciples according to their own health. That’s why HNI helps leaders to stay healthy. Healthy leaders are humble, able to receive input from others and be held accountable. Among other values, time, energy, finances, and constant commitment to spending time with God in worship and prayer need to be priorities to a leader.


The local church is God’s primary vehicle for advancing the kingdom of God here on the earth. Since the first century, it has always been normative for believers to be joined to the local church. Rooted in relational dysfunction and fragmentation, a modern day phenomenon claims that the local church is not needed; this is unbiblical thinking. All partners of HarvestNet are required to be committed members of a local church. Church members and leaders alike are to respect and care for one another.