The Exciting Task of Self-Leadership
Paying close attention to yourself means managing your heart and your relationships, beginning with your relationship with God.
1st Leadership Step: Take Responsibility!
Leaders are not those who do nothing but those who accept responsibility to go first.
Singing & Praying in the Spirit
I have felt whole atmospheres shift using our “heavenly language.”
Introducing our First Guest Blogger - God
I may have guest bloggers post their thoughts here at times. So, I will start with the most famous and most powerful writer I know: God Himself.
Proving Ground for Leaders
In the end, it is not those who are most gifted who receive the most responsibility. It is those who are diligent.
How to Spot a Heretic When You See One
Angels and impressions must never replace the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
Two Things Every Leader Must Do
“People need the Word more than they need our opinions, illustrations, or stories.”