Sons, Yet Living Like Orphans
I have often taught about sonship and the Fatherhood of God but it has not been until the last two years that I have begun to really get it and see the importance of it. It is critical that we get our identity from God rather than trying to pull it from others. Many, even in ministry are on a life long search for significance and ministry sadly becomes the source of their identity. I believe that a faulty identity system is the source for much of the relational tension in the body of Christ as we become competitors rather than brothers and sisters in a family. Orphans will be more independent and self reliant, they will strive for praise and approval from others constantly striving to earn favor with God. They will be jealous and competitive, and will be so insecure they find it hard to receive help or correction from others. Orphans will see authority as a source of pain rather than one of safety and guidance. Saddest of all they will continually feel distant from God and often unable to hear Him or sense his presence.
I recently read a book entitled “Healing the Orphan Spirit” by Leif Hetland which I have found very helpful. I think you should read it! It is possible to be 60 years old, know that God loves you yet still be living life as an orphan instead of a real adopted and loved son or daughter of God. Satan became an orphan when he chose to live independently of God and was thrown out of heaven, losing his home. He now wants everyone to remain homeless and fatherless just as he is. Of course through Jesus, God has given us the Spirit of Adoption and has brought us into his family and treats us as sons and daughters like the prodigal that returned home. He loves us, honors us, and wants to restore our full inheritance and place in the family.
However, if we are not healed of the orphan spirit we will continue to live like orphans, not experiencing the father’s love. We know in our minds that God loves us because the Bible tells us so, but we can’t experience that love until we are healed of orphanhood and are embraced by the Father. I think this revelation and healing is especially critical for leaders. The more responsibility we are given and the longer we give out to others, the more it becomes critical for us to have this one issue of identity settled so that we become whole and healthy. I want to encourage you to get the book and read it. You can buy this book easily on Amazon or even download it electronically on Kindle (my favorite way to buy books).