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February 19, 2025 | 9 am - 12:30 pm | Ephrata Community Church

Join HNI for this in-person, free event! Lunch is NOT included, however, we have included a charcuterie and finger-food break between sessions. Registration required to help us accommodate food and seating.

Event Schedule:

Coffee & tea will be available starting at 8:30 am until worship starts at 9 am! We hope to see you there for some time to mingle & connect before the event begins!

8:30 am | Coffee & Connect

9 am | Worship & Welcome

9:20 am | Session 1 - Creating a Culture of Reaching the Lost with Richie Seltzer

10:15 am | Break - Charcuterie snacks and fellowship

10:45 am | Session 2 - Prophetic Evangelism with Richie Seltzer

11:40 am | Ministry Time - Prophetic and Personal Ministry

12:30 pm | Soft Dismissal

Speaker: Richie Seltzer

Richie Seltzer went from a juvenile detention unit having committed multiple felonies, to an internationally-recognized minister of the Gospel! Miracles, healing, signs, and wonders follow him as he lives a life of obedience to the great commission. In 2011, he planted Imagine Church in Calgary, Alberta, through which he pioneered Burning Ones School of Fire. He currently travels as an evangelist with Global Awakening out of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.

February 6

African Summit

April 10

Central American Summit