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Connect Call (May)

"We are stronger together."

HarvestNet is a relational network, as such we feel that there is a hunger for opportunities to connect with each other; to listen and to share with likeminded people from all over the world. That is why we are pleased to introduce Connect Call.

The purpose of this call is to have meaningful conversations because we care about one another unto the great commission.

This will be a 60 minute monthly call over Zoom, every 3rd Wednesday of the month opened to partners and friends. With 10 minutes of teaching and 50 minutes set aside for group discussion, we hope you can join and be connected with each other as we stir one another on unto harvest.

A Zoom link will be sent out to our mailing list the day before our Connect Call. This call is free, no registration required.

May 13

Envision: Growing Healthy Churches

May 24

Visit A Local Mosque