God is Good - All the Time!

Cheryl and I arrived at Victorian manor in Scotland for a two week pastor’s retreat. All 8 couples were there at no cost to us. I was struggling with the extravagance of the house and the incredible way that they served us continually when God reminded me of this verse: “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow”  (James 4:17).  In fact, I saw it on a bookmark with my name on it! I began to thank God not only for the blessing that the retreat was to us but for many other things. Over the weeks following I saw God’s goodness come into focus in a new way in my understanding of God’s nature.

I am sure you have heard it said “God is good, all the time!” That is what this verse says. In God there is no change or shifting of his attributes. His goodness does not flee away like when shadows shift as the sun moves. He is a good God and there is no time in our lives when he ceases to be good. Even when we are having a a difficult time, He has not changed at all. His plans for us, the Bible says, are not for evil but for good. Like David, we should expect to see God’s goodness follow us all the days of our lives. David said he would have despaired had he not expected to see the goodness of God in the land of the living. So, give thanks to the Lord for He is good!

Father, when we count our blessings one by one, we are surprised by what you have done! Thank you for your generous heart toward us, your children!


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